I am not Cary Grant…

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Okay, and so I did. I started this blog to keep my writing engine moving. Yippee! Welcome the big blog clusterfuck. I love it. I think we should embrace the little techno robot inside ourselves that craves the day that being updated via our endocrine layer by google maps is all but standard (well, maybe not until they fix some of the more erroneous mistakes), but you get my point.

I write fiction. Mostly novels. My favorite colors are drab military flavors. I secretly think I might be Jewish. Why is that? I mean, is it some heritage thing? Because America is just to vanilla for my tastes? Well, I don’t really know. And maybe that’s a good enough place to end it.

Maybe not?

I ask myself everyday what my life goal is and if writing is just some self-centered exercise in masturbation, and everyday I keep coming back to the keyboard, with my pants on, ready to work.

I hope someone finds this blog entertaining. I do it for the sheer belief that there are those, countless and unnumbered (despite what my wordpress  statistics may say) that find it so.

Tyler Burton
January 9th, 2009

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